Exam-1 Review, HW2 Deadline, Course Feedback
Dear all,
I hope everybody is doing well. The following is a set of announcements regarding Exam 1, Homework, and Course Feedback that we talked about in the last lecture:
Homework Please note HW2 is due tomorrow, Friday, June 3. HW3 will also be released tomorrow.
Exam 1 Exam 1 will be held next Thursday, June 9, and it will cover (i) asymptotic order of growth and complexity of algorithms, (ii) divide-and-conquer, and (iii) dynamic programming. We will have a review of the exam contents in today’s lecture, and will also talk about a set of practice problems.
Course Feedback Please let us know what you think about the course pace and if you have any comments or questions: Feedback Form Special thanks to those who have already submitted their responses!
Please let me know if you have any questions.